What Kind Of Halloween Costume Will Likely Get You A Date

"The New York Post" did a story this week that said we should all start being ADULTS, and stop dressing up for Halloween. And it might be more of a wedge issue than we thought.

A new survey asked people if they're planning to dress up this year, and it's basically a 50/50 split. 

Here are four stats from the survey:

1. 51% of us are interested in wearing a costume this year. So almost half of us AREN'T. 16% are also planning to put their PET in a costume.

2. 40% of people who are dressing up will start pulling their costume together by next week at the latest. Almost half of those people said they've already started.

3. The three most popular themes this year are funny costumes, unique costumes, and sexy costumes. Yes, funny costumes are the most popular.

4. But if you're trying to HOOK UP on Halloween, a UNIQUE costume might be better than a sexy one. 27% of people said a one-of-a-kind costume would make the best impression. Sexy costumes and funny costumes each got 20% of the vote. 

Read more here.

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